Visual Paradigm 13 modelling software released

Visual Paradigm 13 modelling software released

Official release of Visual Paradigm 13 modelling software

January, 2016 – Visual Paradigm International Limited announced today the release of the Visual Paradigm 13 modelling software.

New features in Visual Paradigm 13 modelling software

The Visual Paradigm 13 modelling software introduces a number of new features, which includes:

  • Introduced web-based requirements management
  • Re-designed sprint management UI
  • Context-based UeXceler toolbar
  • Logged user story changes
  • Improved breadcrumb for better navigability
  • Re-designed user story filter
  • Indication of branch-editing use cases and user stories

Enhancements in Visual Paradigm 13

Enhancements to the new Visual Paradigm 13 modelling software includes:

  • Supported Java 8 in code engineering
  • Supported screen capturing on Mac
  • Enhanced bulk sharing of diagrams in PostMania
  • Supported collation in database domain
  • Supported additional Sybase datatypes
  • Supported complex conditional checking in Doc. Composer template

Pricing and Availability

The Visual Paradigm 13 modelling software is immediately available. Visual Paradigm 13 is available under both single-seat (developer-based) and floating licenses.  They both include one-year software maintenance, which covers all the version upgrades and customer supports within a year since  purchasing.

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Visual Paradigm

Visual Paradigm is a both a software design and management tool. The Visual Paradigm 13 modelling software is designed for a wide range of users including software engineers, system analysts, business analysts and system architects, or for anyone who is interested in reliably building large-scale software systems using an object-oriented approach. In addition, Visual Paradigm supports the latest standards of UML, BPMN and Agile software development.

Visual Paradigm International Limited

Visual Paradigm 13.0 modelling softwareVisual Paradigm International Limited is a leading provider of software solutions that enable organizations to develop quality applications faster, better and cheaper. Visual Paradigm is dedicated to continually developing and delivering software, services and partnerships to help customers accurately transform their system requirements into high-quality software solutions, all with minimum risk and maximum return on investment. All Visual Paradigm products are designed and developed to remove complexity, improve productivity and compress customers’ software development time frames.

Get acquainted with the new Visual Paradigm 12.2

Get acquainted with the new Visual Paradigm 12.2

Visual Paradigm 12.2Visual Paradigm has released Visual Paradigm 12.2 the latest version of this popular modelling tool. This version introduces several new features and many improvements which make the Visual Paradigm modelling tool even more powerful.

Users with a valid licence and maintenance agreement or a monthly subscription are automatically notified of the update and can download the update for free.

New features in Visual Paradigm 12.2

  • New search bar
  • Work on multiple turns by creating ‘stages’
  • Resource catalog
  • Improved usability of Tasifier
  • Management of shared diagrams in PostMania
  • Team-based document templates and styles management

Improvements in Visual Paradigm 12.2

  • Supported showing composite parts in block specification
  • Supported showing existing parts as shapes in IBD
  • Supported attribute formatting for class
  • Supported selecting all attributes & operations by pressing Alt-A in class
  • Supported multiple selection of candidates in Textual Analysis
  • Supported .xlsx in Excel exporting and importing
  • Disallowed committing changes of design patterns to server through setting permission
  • Supported deleting design patterns synchronized to server
  • Share diagram via URL, in PostMania
  • Supported deleting project revisions in VPository/Teamwork Server
  • Supported merging user stories of use cases upon the merging of use cases
  • Supported importing and exporting User Story via Excel
  • Made large wireframe viewable when being played as a slideshow
  • Supported description, stereotype and tagged values in wireframe widgets
  • Supported tabbed pane widget for Web wireframe
  • Supported date picker widget for Web wireframe
  • Supported column formatting for entity
  • Supported selecting all columns by pressing Alt-A in entity
  • Added Generate Data Specification button in ERD action bar
  • Supported generating DDL with bitmap index
  • Supported splitting DROP and CREATE scripts in DDL generation
  • Supported generating database from ERD for specific schema
  • Supported reversing entity and column comments from MySQL in DB Reversal
  • Supported reversing CREATE DOMAIN statements from PostgreSQL
  • Indicating duplicated or conflicted rules in Decision Table
  • Automatically name request and response class when being created from REST Resource
  • Upgraded NHibernate version
  • Better indication of collapsed Mind Map nodes
  • Supported skipping intermediate elements (e.g. ball-and-socket join) in analyzing matrix content
  • Accelerates when moving shapes by keyboard
  • Supported automatic model selection when create diagram
  • Supported dragging description pane’s title bar to make it float
  • Supported renaming project in team environment
  • Reminded for committing changes when exiting Visual Paradigm
  • Revamped “New Diagram” window
  • Supported changing the subscribed edition of Visual Paradigm in Customer Service Center
  • Supported closing project
  • Not to show format toolbar until focusing on description editor
  • Supported switching active diagram with hotkeys
  • Supported closing active diagram with hotkey
  • Supported creating new diagram with Ctrl-N
  • For more information click here.


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